Announcement of the Online Conversation on Talent Management in the Public Service

ReSPA would like to announce the Online Conversation on Talent Management in the Public Service, planned to be held on Wednesday, 15 November 2023, at 13.00h with a duration of up to 1.5 hour. 

Talent management and forecasting are strategic tools that help HR managers plan for the future needs and goals of their organizations and identify methods to attract, promote, retain, and allocate talent in public organisations. The public service is an employer for all age groups. In this context, talent management is an underexplored but important practice in managing ageing and multigenerational public service workforces. 

The ReSPA Online Conversation will focus on Talent Management in the Public Service, practices from European public administrations, OECD member countries, and experience from the Western Balkans. Furthermore, the potential of developing Talent Management policies and programs for the public service in the Western Balkans will be explored. The working language of this online event will be English. 

This online conversation will bring together speakers from:

1. Institute for Public Administration Prague;

2. Human Resources Management Service, Center for Career Management, Government of Serbia;

3. Department of Public Administration, Government of Albania;

You are kindly invited to participate in this event. Please send us confirmation by 9th November at the following address:

The link for online attendance will be sent to the registered participants on Tuesday, 14 November 2023. 


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